Pipe obstructions and internal corrosion spell danger for fire sprinkler systems and can prevent these systems from operating effectively, or even at all.
Why do I need a 5-year internal inspection of my fire sprinkler system? Isn’t that part of the annual inspection?
Is this really necessary?
Customers ask us these questions every single day. I always answer by stating that pipe obstruction is becoming a bigger issue every day because we are finding more and more systems that have enough MIC (Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion) in the pipes to reduce water flow and therefore the functionality or effectiveness of the sprinkler system.
Inspection for MIC is not a part of the annual sprinkler system inspection. It’s a completely different task which is performed every 5 years. It is absolutely necessary for the purpose of catching any pipe obstructions or any signs of internal corrosion or MIC before it compromises the fire sprinkler system.
At the end of the day, it is up to us, the fire protection contractor, to inform customers of testing requirements and potential dangers that could compromise their fire protection systems and their intended performance. Internal pipe corrosion is a problem that must be addressed.
If you would like to speak with someone about MIC or a 5-year inspection, contact us here.