Originally posted on 9:38 AM on June 9, 2017
Last updated on December 5, 2024
Understanding Combustible Dust Explosions: What is a Dust Explosion?

Explosions are a whole different ball game compared to regular fires and will therefore require a different method of fire protection than those commonly used, such as automatic fire sprinklers.


Five conditions must exist for an explosion to occur, as opposed to the three conditions required for a fire.

Fires are slower to release energy than an explosion, and they spread by the transfer of heat energy. Explosions happen in microseconds. They're like speedy bursts caused by gases expanding, causing a dramatic spike in pressure. Picture this: a cloud of tiny dust particles is suspended in the air in a confined space (like equipment or a vessel) and meets a spark. Boom, explosion.

Deep Dive into Dust Explosions: Primary and Secondary

Dust explosions have a two-part story. First, there's the primary explosion when a bunch of dust in a confined space, like a silo or dust collector, is ignited. Then, this initial blast shakes loose more dust particles that become suspended in the air (typically from horizontal surfaces). If that dust ignites, it’s called a secondary explosion, and this one can be far more catastrophic than the first.

Surprise, Even Everyday Stuff Can Explode

Many materials that are not normally combustible in their regular form, are combustible when they are in the form of dust. Things like metal, sugar or corn that seem harmless can become explosive when made into a fine dust. These materials that seem innocent can turn into a big problem.

OSHA's Got Your Back

To figure out if your dust is explosive, Download OSHA's Combustible Dust Poster. It's a handy guide that helps you spot materials that could put your people and plant at risk.

Take Charge: Protect Yourself

Don't wait for trouble to knock on your door. Reach out to set up a Hazard Analysis to figure out what you need for Combustible Dust Protection to prevent damage and downtime at your plant.


Schedule a Hazard Analysis to determine what you need for Combustible Dust Protection. SCHEDULE HERE.

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