Managing fire protection compliance for a facility of any size or type can be a juggling act.
Just a few of the balls in the air include:
- Coordinating the maintenance and repairs of different fire and life safety systems
- Determining inspection frequencies and staying on schedule
- Meeting insurance requirements
- Keeping up with facility changes
- Keeping up with ever-changing fire codes

Being the one keeping up with all these variables can get overwhelming, especially when managing multiple fire systems. Technology continues to evolve to increase communication between your various systems making the divide between them increasingly blurred.
For example, a fire sprinkler system must report alarm or supervisory conditions to a fire alarm system. A fire alarm system can be outfitted to monitor corrosion in the pipe, or perform routine drains of the low points and even perform flow tests. A stand-alone fire extinguisher can be monitored by a fire alarm system for location and pressure.
Having a separate fire protection contractor for each type of fire system that you have at your facility has become a frustrating arrangement. While it may seem like the communication between your systems improves visibility of issues, these interactions may be the source of confusion when problems with your fire systems arise. If you have multiple contractors, you may experience situations where you spend unnecessary time and money deducing the source of issues on your fire systems while the contractors point fingers at each other. All the while, your system is down, leaving you vulnerable.
Why not quit the juggling act and find a partner?
A good partner in fire protection is one who can provide expert advice on all of your fire systems and can create a plan to keep you compliant. We recommend that you find a company who can inspect, troubleshoot, repair, upgrade and retrofit all of your fire and life safety systems. Most importantly, someone who can learn your facilities & operations and help you develop custom compliance solutions.
A relationship with a trusted contractor means better compliance results and less time and money spent as compared to juggling different fire protection contractors and solutions.
For more information on single-source fire system solutions contact Century Fire Protection.